Monday, May 11, 2009

Day Four: Sausalito and Carmel

On our fourth day we decided to take the ferry over to Sausalito. We really wanted to go see the big redwood trees. We had no idea how we were going to get to them, but we took the ferry anyway. We were hoping for some type of public transportation on the other side of the bay. There is definitely not any public transport in Sausalito, but we got a great deal on a rental. It was a great price without a limit on mileage. So, being the roadsters that we are, we decided to drive CA HWY 1 down the coast to Carmel. We stopped first at the redwoods, which were absolutely beautiful! It is impossible to get a good picture of the trees just because they are so enormous. We had a great time hiking through the first part of the forest. After the forest, we found our way to Hwy 1. On our way, we were able to cross over the Golden Gate Bridge, which was a lot of fun! It was an amazing site. Too bad the toll is so high though! ;-) We stopped once along the way to take in the breathtaking view of the cliffs along the Pacific. It was the first time either one of us had seen the Pacific Ocean. We made it to Carmel just as the sun was setting. Unfortunately, it was too foggy to really get a good picture of it. It was a long and great day to end our time in California.

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