Thursday, July 8, 2010

A New Addition

I will try to tell this as Gibby tells it since he loves the story so much.....About a week after Chloe was born, I had a sneaking suspension that we might be expecting our first child as well. As the week went on, the suspension grew. I mentioned it to Gibby about half way through the week to let him know what I was thinking. He shrugged it off as stress (which was a good argument at that time), but deep down I knew otherwise. Friday rolled around and I couldn't stop thinking about it. When he got home that night, I mentioned it again. He shrugged it off again, but I pressed it. He suggested that we might should buy a pregnancy test just in case. I had actually already bought one that afternoon when I went to the grocery store. This took him by surprise since he knew how serious I was about it at that point. So, I took the test and sure enough there was a little pink plus sign. This was not enough evidence for us. We needed more proof. We needed a "yes" or "no" or even "pregnant" or "not pregnant." So, off we went to the store! We spent the money for a fancy digital test. We got a very convincing "yes" displayed on the screen!! We were both equally shocked, excited, and terrified all in one. We decided that we would wait to tell most people, but planned a weekend of travel in order to tell those closest to us. First, we went to Maegan and Adam's. We shared the news as I fed their precious newborn. We then traveled to Mom and Robert's to let them know they would be grandparents in about 9 months. After lunch, we made a bogus excuse to Ms. Faye and traveled to Montgomery to let her in on the fact that she is going to have a second grandchild. Everyone was so excited and very surprised by our wonderful news. Unfortunately, Dad was in Japan at the time. So, we held our breath and waited until March to unveil his new Grandpa status while he was home on a two week leave. Holding in the news that long to everyone else was so hard (especially with my grandparents!!), but we made it and it was well worth it! By the time we told him, we had our first ultrasound picture which looked like a little turtle with a beating heart!

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